Parasites in the human body – symptoms and treatment

Parasitic diseases are the diseases caused by protozoa, helminth, and insect. According to statistics of the invasion suffers one of every four people on the planet. In russia every year there are around 1.5 million cases of infection by parasites.

Parasitic diseases

The contagion is possible when the consumption of contaminated water, vegetables and fruit, the vegetables, the purchase of meat and fish in "illegal" spots, where there are missing certificates of veterinary inspection, when communicating with animals. The danger of invasions, parasitic on the fact that in the absence of treatment, it causes the slow destruction of the body.

Types of parasites in the human body

The organisms that live as a parasite in the human body, are classified into true and false. The first group are the earthworms, giardia lamblia and other parasites, so that parasitism is a necessary condition for existence; the second, that accidentally enter the body and begin to parasite.

Each of the pathogenic microorganisms have accessories that help you to become a hollow in the human body. It's windy, the plaque from teeth, hooks, which constantly injure the mucosa. Having microscopic or of considerable dimensions, which destroy the beneficial bacteria, they poison the body of its waste, and suppress the immunity.

The symptoms of parasites in the human body

Due to the diversity of patogenticos of the mechanisms of impact of the parasites on the body of the symptoms can be similar to that of communicable diseases, and surgical diseases. Therefore, for the definitive diagnosis doctors ask for the results of the laboratory analysis.

Doctors appear syndromes typical of infection of helminth and other parasites. We will list the most brilliant of them.


  • Itching ;
  • The symptoms of hives;
  • The development of the pseudo-allergy after a treatment of water, the sun, the consumption of soda, sweets, and pastries;
  • Spontaneously arise and remitting episodes of bronchospasm;
  • Perianal pruritus, perioral dermatitis, cheilitis;
  • The loss of hair;
  • The febrile syndrome;
  • The education gnoynichkovih eruptions.
The causes of the emergence of parasites


When chronic.

  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • The quick weight reduction;
  • Diarrhea or intestinal obstruction;
  • The absence or decreased appetite;
  • The pain during the movement of the tongue;
  • The development of the sensations are painful in the near-umbilical cord umbilical and epigastric areas;
  • The impossibility of the consumption of fat;
  • Salivation;
  • Enlargement of the liver.


Occurs when the spread of toxocariasis, hymenolepiasis, and cysticercosis, trichocephalosis.

  • Sleep disorders;
  • Increased irritability and fatigue;
  • Hypochromic iron-deficiency anemia;
  • The deterioration of the qualifications of the decreased memory, attention;
  • The instability of the blood pressure;
  • Headache;
  • Meningeal symptoms.

The causes of the appearance of parasites in the human body

The contagion of the others, is caused by the breach of the norms of hygiene, or of the violation of technology of preparation of dishes. Among the causes of the emergence of parasites:

  • The consumption of dirty, the vegetables, the fruit, not boiled water;
  • Bad preparation of the food;
  • The non-compliance of hygiene rules of workers of the gastronomy, of the vendors;
  • The contact with the animals;
  • The touch of the hands of the public doors, handrails in the transport;
  • Swimming in infested waters sistemami;
  • The presence of flies in the house;
  • The work with soil or manure with no gloves, play in the sandbox.

The main sources of infection by parasites

Infection with the parasite occurs by direct contact or by mouth. Through the mouth of the parasites can penetrate the body in two ways: through dirty hands, products, or ingestion of poorly thermally processed meat or fish, which are infected with larvae of parasites.

The parasites in the fish

  • Opisthorchiasis. Media: fish of the family of the carps. Fluke lives in the liver, the pancreas, causing the increase of the temperature up to 40 degrees, the fat intolerance, vomiting, pain in the right upper quadrant. The symptoms occur after 2-3 weeks. Opisthorchiasis last for years and years, to the surprise of the internal organs.
  • Clonorchiasis. The middle is a fish that inhabits in the waters of china, korea, amur edge. The symptomatology is similar to that of the opisthorchiasis.
  • Difillobotrioz. A half – company of the far east and the fish. Symptoms: bloating, nausea, drooling, unstable chair, drooling.
  • Antacids. Medium: herring (north sea will be amazed at 55-100%), cod, salmonids. In the interior of the body falls to the consumption of raw fish. Symptoms: diarrhea, rashes in the skin, it is possible intestinal ulcer.
  • Ligules. Medium: karpovyh. For man is not dangerous, if stimulating extract, and fish subject to heat treatment.
The parasites in the fish

The parasites in the meat

  • Trichinella spiralis. The route of infection is the wild game meat or pork. The larvae with the blood enter the muscle, causing pain in them, swelling of the face, allergic rash nature.
  • The beef tapeworm infection. Medium – cattle, the route of infection – the consumption of the meat of a cow, a victim of the minimum processing temperature. Symptoms: constipation, rapid loss of weight.

The parasites of plants, fruits of the forest

  • Alveococcus multilocularis. The man is infected through dirty wild berries or dirty hands.
  • Geohelminth Ascaris. Characteristics of infection: ingestion of eggs with dirt on fruits and vegetables, drinking non-boiled water. Symptoms: coughing and manifestations of allergy, the ileum.
  • (Ancylostoma and. The larvae of the parasite with the soil fall within the person, if swallowed with vegetables and fruits. The parasite feeds on the blood, damaging the lining of the small intestine, causing their inflammation.
  • Balantidium coli. The means of pork, sometimes the dogs and the rats. Often suffer the inhabitants of the rural areas.

The parasites in the water

  • Dracunculiasis. The media rachki cyclops. Enter the body evil the purified water. The parasites are released after the digestion rachkov in the stomach. Of there worms fall into the fat deposits of fiber. After a year, the female is a parasite is a million of Mature larvae. Your final boss right to the skin, forming a water bubble to 10, To relieve the itching and the burning, the man plunges into the affected area and the water, which causes the output of the parasites and the beginning of a new cycle of its development.
  • Gnathostoma spinigerum. The infection occurs when you drink water free of bacteria, the consumption of meat of frogs and fish. Symptoms: abnormalities of the skin swelling and itching, increase of the temperature, it is possible the defeat of the eyeball. The disease is recurrent in nature.

The modern methods of diagnosis of parasites

Helminth living in the gut, are found in the study of fecal matter: coprogram, perianal scraping, the method of enrichment. If the doctor assumes paragons, in the analysis we take the sputum, urine - if it is suspected urogenital schistosomiasis. The reliability of these methods is only 15-20%.

We will list often applied and modern types of study, indicating their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Macro and microscopic study of the stool. The effectiveness depends on what stage of development the parasite. The death of the parasite to observe very difficult, so that the parasite should fall in the lab live.
  • Test immunoadsorption enzyme. By the presence of antibodies and antigens in helminth with accuracy in the 60% to 80% determines the type of parasites, of their number.
  • Histological coprogram. The study of cala, showing the detection of parasites or parasite components of your body with the help of strong microscopes.
  • Ultrasound x-ray and ct scan. Identifies the changes of the internal organs.
  • The bioresonance diagnosis. Captures the specific range of frequencies they emit helminth. Detects parasites in all stages of development, indicating your location. The authenticity of 75-95%.
  • Sunday-the analysis. The analysis of the blood cells that detects the presence in them of off-target effects of the substances and elements that indicate the presence of helminth.
  • Serological tests (reaction of ring-precipitation, indirect hemagglutination, enzyme-marked with the bodies, the linking of complement, agglutination of latex). Are based on the detection in the blood for special antibodies.
  • The laboratory of the muscles, cuts of the skin and of the blood. The biopsy and the digestion of the muscles. It allows to detect within the muscle fibres of larvae Trichinella.
  • The analysis of duodenal content. Fractions of remote sensing, while 3 portions of bile from the 12 to the duodenum. Duration of about 1.5 hours. In the analysis of the sent has not yet been cooled down the bile.
  • The study of the urine. It allows to detect helminth infected in the genitourinary system.
The influence of parasites on human health

The influence of parasites on human health

The parasites are deprived of vitamins and trace elements, to kill the blood cells – leukocytes and erythrocytes, leaving a person only toxic waste in their means of life. This results in the development of an allergic reaction and slagging of the intestine and the liver, the deformation of different bodies, in the "chronic fatigue syndrome".

In general, the effect of the parasites on the health can be divided into mechanical, toxic, immune, and edible. We will list the most dangerous for the man of the violation:

  • The peritonitis caused by the prisasivaniya of parasites to the walls of the intestine and the appearance of ulcers.
  • Obstruction of the small intestine, caused by the influx of the coils of the parasites.
  • The violation of trophic tissues and organs, activates compression of parasites of the blood vessels.
  • The beriberi, which slows down growth and the process of weight gain.
  • Violation of protein metabolism related to the violation of the course of biochemical processes.
  • Menstrual disorders, children and adults in women, infertility, prostatitis in men.
  • It is possible the development of the pneumonia, the asthma, the diabetes, diseases of the joints.

The treatment of parasites in the human body

The treatment helminth assigns specific anthelmintic drugs. The pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of drugs, belonging to different chemical groups. Home remedies can help fight the disease, but keep in mind that you do not take into account their individuality, as a patient, the presence of comorbidities.

Media parasites

Home remedies well manifest themselves in the initial phase of the disease. They act more slowly than synthetic drugs, but they cause less damage to the body. We will list the most effective:

  • The tea of the parasites. Kills helminth, protozoa, fungi, spores. On the basis of: agrimony, oak bark, cottonweed fen, yarrow, birch leaf mugwort, calendula, chamomile, states in known only by the manufacturer of proportions. If you drink it in 21 days, parasites will perish, and the products of its activity is neutralized, affected the internal organs will begin to recover.
  • The tincture of wormwood with pumpkin seeds. The raw material dry wormwood, and pre-softened seeds are poured the brandy with a ratio of 1:3, insist in a sunny place 7 days a week, take two times a day 50 ml, preferably 30 minutes before food intake. It normalizes the intestinal flora, activates the secretion of the gall bladder, neutralizes toxins, strengthens the immune system.
  • The carnation of the parasites. The carnation disinfect the internal organs, restores the protective functions of the agency, subject to intoxication, relieves pain. She will heal giardiasis and opisthorchiasis. At home, apply powdered clove: the blend of cloves and flax seeds in a ratio of 1:10, pulped and take 3 days in a row before the meal 1 teaspoon (take with water).
  • The garlic of the parasites. By night, the apple or the sauerkraut, and then small portions of the whole eat finely chopped garlic cloves – 200 grams, with cucumber, tomato brine. Up to 16.00 hours the next day – just salty cucumbers or cabbage salad, then put an enema (to get rid of the dead helminth). Enema: in 2 litres of water prepare 1 tbsp of chamomile, after cooling of the cooking time, add 1 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and sea salt.
  • The triad of parasites. Triad call anti-parasitic the collection, which includes the green shell of the walnut, clove and wormwood or tansy, wormwood and cloves (on the methodology of Ivanchenko). Contraindications: children, pregnancy, gastrointestinal disease, intoxication of the organism, immunodeficiency.
  • The tansy of the parasites. The bitterness of tansy ragwort is an antagonist of worms and giardia lamblia. We will take your recipe: 20 g of raw material is poured a liter of boiled water and time you insist. Adults take 1/2 verse three times a day before eating, the children of 1 tablespoons
  • The pumpkin seeds of the parasites. Used in combination with the garlic. Grind stir-fried in dry pan 200 gr of seeds without treat: joint and also grind 6 cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of honey. Insist half a day, after which take 1 tablespoons for adults and 1 teaspoon for children, in the period of 4 days.
  • Sosa of the parasites. The treatment involves performing enemas of change of 8 to 10 sessions. 20-30 grams caustic soda are dissolved in 800 ml of water, is heated to 38-42 degrees. Before treatment with enemas, made pure, and then the prepared solution was injected in 30 minutes. After emptying the bowel again becomes a purifier of the enema.

Remember that the tools used in the folk medicine, sometimes only relieve the symptoms of the infestation. Do not refuse the prescribed medication.

The prevention of parasitic diseases

The prevention of parasitic diseases

Prevention is the only method of control of parasitic infections. Daily compliance of simple rules much more efficient.

  • Wash your hands carefully after hands after going to the bathroom, talk to animals, after excavation.
  • Buy meat and fish in the areas authorized by the trade.
  • Expose the meat and fish long heat and a cooking book processing: cook the meat in small pieces of approximately 2.5 hours, fish at least 15 minutes. The ambassador of the fish must be made not less than 2 weeks, the freezing of more than 10 days at a temperature of minus forty degrees.
  • Do not use for grinding and cutting of meat, vegetables, bread, fish of the same table.
  • Berries, fruits, vegetables, and collected even in the garden, wash and a drench of boiling water.
  • The water used for drinking, be sure to boil.
  • Track and destroy vectors of pests – cockroaches, flies, and other insects.