Species of helminths in man: the first symptoms of the appearance, the

Every day the worms infect the adults and the children, this can defend itself, but does not always work. Therefore, to understand clearly that we have been led, it is necessary to know their types. After all, only the correct identification of helminths, they can win.

In this article You will learn about: what human worms exist, where you can catch, some of the characteristic signs of the invasion. Keep your health and remember that You are the one.

types of worms

Human worms — classification

Helminths (worms), is the huge class of parasites worms living in the human body, animals and plants. Helminths, parasitic worms, feed on the internal resources of the body "teacher" not only weaken the body, but also contribute to the development of other comorbidities.

Oddly enough, almost one of every two people – the holder of one of the species of helminths, and are not aware of it until complications arise or would not be carried out an additional examination. In function of the climatic zones, in the territories of different continents live different worms.

Also helminths are classified according to the method of the transfer of a body to body:

  • bio helminth – transmitted from animals;
  • contagious – transmitted from a sick person;
  • geo-helminth – larvae are stored in the soil.

In case of contact with the larvae in the body, move the body with the blood stream and are deposited in the organs. Often helminths are set in the different departments of the intestine. Classification by the place of settlement of parasites:

  1. Translucent worms are established in the bodies hollow.
  2. Fabric – lodge in the tissues.
  3. Others may live in a hollow organ, and on the thickness of the tissues.

In nature there are about 250 species of helminths. For each one of them needs certain conditions for its existence and development. Worms differ in size, shape, and other characteristics.

The classification of these parasites, however, has not been created yet and has not been approved by the scientists.

The separation of earthworms from the nationality is also the place to be. This fact complicates the classification of the parasites. In the countries of the mid-latitudes moderate, the weather conditions, you can count with more than 20 species of helminths, which are conventionally divided into three groups depending on the appearance of the form:

  • Round (nematodes);
  • Tape (cestodes);
  • Flat (trematody).

Nematodes and trematody more widespread in nature, in place of tape parasites. The human body – the ideal environment for the reproduction and growth of the earthworm and Ascaris. They are also often found and Trichinella. In cestodes belong bullish of pork, short cuts or detours tsepni, the choice of lentets.

Species of helminths in humans — roundworms (nematodes)

Another name for these worms, c. elegans. This type of helminths is considered to be the most common. It is characterized by the circular shape of the body the cross-section. The body length of different species of worms can vary from 5 mm to 40 see

types of worms in the body

For the life that usually opt for the intestine, but quite easy to migrate by the body of his master, and they can inhabit other bodies.

The wide distribution of nematodes can be explained by the fact that the spread of them is very easy. A host intermediate is not necessary, and that are transmitted from one infected person to another. Also the invasion may develop from the ingestion of unwashed fruits or vegetables. That is why the infection by these worms is own of the children, as they tend to break the rules of hygiene.


Ostritsy – the representatives of the ascaris, they have a circular shape, length of about 2 centimeters. Are found both in adults as in children. Set in the small bowel and develop from the stage of larva to adult for 2 weeks. Ostritsy cause the disease enterobiasis.

The infection of Pinworm is manifested by the inflammation of the intestinal wall, violation of the digestive processes, toxins from the worms cause local bleeding. The disease manifests itself in the night of itching in the anus. Itching call to the females that lay eggs.

Get the Pinworm not only to contact with common objects with the affected person, but also through the vegetables from the garden (eggs are stored on the floor), cockroaches, and flies as vectors of eggs of worms. When the enterobiasis of the women of the parasites can cause inflammation of the genital organs. Also become inflamed and scratching, which leads to Staphylococcus.


Ascaride – the worms grow up to 40 centimeters and a diameter of approximately 6 centimeters. The eggs Ascaris when it comes in contact with the soil can store about a year before that, in an environment conducive to the development. When the larva ascaride gets in the body environment and begins to develop, it removes toxins that affect the lungs, the liver.

The larvae travel throughout the body and affects blood vessels and causes foci of inflammation. It is based in the gut, and lives at the expense of its content. In the evening you can defer several thousands of eggs.

Due to its considerable size ascaride in search of food, they may move into the ducts of the pancreas, bile ducts of the liver, causing inflammation of the intestine, they can get out of the esophagus and block the airway. Causes a disease, such as ascariasis.

Find ascaride in the body can recognize it by the symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain.
  2. Fatigue.
  3. Diarrhea, red worms in the stool.
  4. The allergic reactions.

Ascaride have the property of lowering in the tangle, this produces intestinal obstruction, and as a result of the peritonitis.


The representative of roundworms is vlasoglav. Its length is 5 centimeters. It is distinguished from the unusual shape of the main part of the fine, and the shorter part of the wide. The presence in the body of the person whipworm can cause trihozefalez.

The presence in the body whipworm takes trichocephalosis and is manifested by symptoms:

  • abdominal pain, decreased appetite;
  • diarrhea changes the lock;
  • sometimes, the impurity of the blood in the stool;
  • iron-deficiency anemia.


This type of roundworms living in the stomach of dogs, and with the stool the eggs to fall to the ground. Outwardly, the parasite is similar to that of Ascaris, but grows to only 15 centimetres. The entire life cycle of this parasite takes place in the body of a dog, therefore, being located in the environment of the person, the larvae die, but when they get to this damage.

Affect the muscles, the liver, the lungs, the heart, the tissue of the eyes, the brain, develops the disease toxocariasis.

The activity of the larvae in the body is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • the increase of the temperature;
  • the increase of the lymph nodes and the liver;
  • eruptions on the skin;
  • infiltrates in the lungs;
  • I felt shortness of breath, a dry, wheezing, cough;
  • the violation of the mentality and seizure (convulsions);
  • blood analysis indicates the presence of eosinophils.

Confirm the diagnosis by scraping the affected area of the skin, blood analysis, antibodies to liver biopsy.


In this case, the infection occurs through the skin or by ingestion of the larvae. With the blood that can be found in the lungs and the heart, but prefer the small intestine. They live about 4 years, causing the hookworm. Your symptoms:

  1. Fever.
  2. Increase in salivation.
  3. Eosinophilia.

The manifestations of the pathology occur in the execution stage of the invasion, when the body accumulates a large number of helminths. The initial phase is different asymptomatic current, so detecting the pathology can be accidentally.

Tapeworms (cestodes)

If you study all the varieties present in the man of the worms, then tapeworms are the most hazardous. The main risk is related to the size, since this type of parasite can reach a length of 18 m.

Because of their influence on the organism of a person is very unfavorable. Completes its life cycle requires a change of master. Part of the tapeworms live in the body of cattle, from which they pass to the people.

The choice of lentets

The choice of lentets reaches 10 metres in length. With the help of cracks in the head attaches to the intestinal surface. In the body of the man falls down with the raw fish of fresh water in the form of larvae and develops fully within a month.

Symptomatically the presence of the parasite in the body is manifested as well:

  • vitamin a deficiency deficiency of vitamin b12, folic acid;
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • disorders of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the exhaustion of the body;
  • the increase of the temperature.

This parasite feeds by absorbing nutrients from the total area of her considerable body. Instead of attaching a wide lentetsa occurs necrosis. In the stool, appear the segments (which contain eggs) worm and its eggs.

bullish tsepen

Bullish tsepen

Bullish tsepen (carte blanche) lives in the small intestine and reaches 7 meters in length. The larvae bull tsepnja infect humans through the consumption of food is not enough beef and potato stew. The larvae is easily observed in the flesh, as well as its size of approximately 5 mm Falling in the body of the person, the larva grows in 3 months.

Is multiplied by segments that contain in their interior up to 150 thousand of the larvae. Such segments in the body bull tsepnja close to 2 thousand.

These segments same come out at night anus, and stretched out on the bed. The presence of this worm can lead to the disease in the beef tapeworm infection, that manifests itself by symptoms:

  1. The exhaustion of the organism.
  2. Disorder of the intestine.
  3. The loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting.
  4. The allergic reactions.

Swine tsepen

Swine tsepen can be confused with the bull, but the size of it modestly – 2.5 meters. And the number of segments to this parasite is also small – about 1 thousand. The head of the worm has the suction cup and the siphon with hooks that are fixed to the thicker the intestine.

People can become infected through meat and fat. This parasite causes the disease taeniasis and cysticercosis. The symptomatology depends on the amount of worms in the body. A large number of parasites can lead to the obstruction of the intestine, which is only operational.


Is the cause of the in hookworm. Habitat – 12-earth bowel. The length of the worm of about 14 millimeters. It feeds at the expense of the nutrients extracted from the wall of the intestine.

The parasite from the blood vessels found in the liver, the lungs, the heart. The infection ankylostomas is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • belching, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • cough, I felt shortness of breath, pneumonia, pain in the heart;
  • rapid fatigue, chronic fatigue.

The hookworm causes complications: hepatitis, duodenal ulcer 12, bronchitis, laryngitis, infective endocarditis. Make sure that the diagnosis is possible with the help of a blood test, a case of fluoroscopy, the x-ray.

Protozoa are organisms

The more simple they are called by the fact that they are single-celled. But this does not mean that its presence in the body of a person should not cause concern. When these types of parasites can produce no less serious of the disease, that in other cases.


The risk is related to the fact that if in the body there is no pathological manifestations. The more people are infected by these microorganisms, ingestion of cysts of giardia lamblia. This can occur when bathing in the waters. Reproduction occurs by dividing the cell in two.

From the stomach, these parasites spread throughout the body along with the blood, hitting a variety of organs.

The patient may notice the symptoms of all types of pathologies, but did not speculate on the cause of its development. Often giardiasis occur the following diseases:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. The bronchial asthma.
  4. Dermatitis.
  5. The cholecystitis.
  6. The tir.
  7. The enterocolitis.
  8. Dyskinesia 12-duodenal and biliary ducts.
  9. The campylobacteriosis.
  10. The chronic fatigue.

Follow the progression of giardiasis can be the cause of diseases of the cns and the circulatory system.

The symptoms of the onset of helminth

The manifestation of worm infections people vary. The symptoms that occur in people who have a strong infection:

  • A sickly looking.
  • The loss of weight.
  • The paleness.
  • Itching in the anal area.

In the majority of cases, infection of the worms has similar symptoms with other diseases, the treatment does not give results. According to the place of the localization of the parasites and of their amount, occurs the development of certain symptoms.

A malfunction of the digestive system

If helminth parasites in the intestine, then the person faces problems such as:

  1. Diarrhea or conversely, constipation.
  2. The nausea and vomiting.
  3. Pain in the area of the intestine.
  4. Sensation of swelling.
  5. It is a strong loss or, on the contrary, the increase of weight.

Large worms may obstruct the intestine, and become the cause of constipation. Due to the constant selection of products of the vital activity of the person feels that all the signs of poisoning – can occur nausea, vomiting, general weakness.

The prevention of the

the prevention of worms

It must be remembered that none of the worms may not grow and multiply in the human body, each type has its own period of time, after you die, for example, that of the worms is only a few weeks, the Ascaris about a year.

Outstanding adult eggs, necessarily have to get out of your body, either with the stool or on the skin near the anus, in the external environment, in the soil, and then, as they mature outside of the human body and falling down into it again, begin to be activated and parasite.

As they multiply in the human body worms may not be, the increase in the number of adults in the gut of the infected person, it is possible always and when it comes to becoming infected when the eggs again come through the mouth in the body.

For example, the person could get rid of the worms in 3 to 4 weeks without any treatment. But it is not so easy to follow these rules to infants and young children of school age.