Worms in adults: symptoms, treatment

Worms called worms group of helminth parasites in the human body and cause disorders of the functions of organs and systems. The adults are often found ostritsy and ascaride. Also, there can be several types of tapeworms, which refer to the tape worms. In any case, when the symptoms of the helminth infection should go immediately to a doctor, who will appoint an effective treatment.

The cause of the disease

There are several sources of infection of the body the worms:

  1. Helminthiasis – in this case, the worms enter the human body through the soil and the water. It can also occur by contact with the animals and at the time of the transfer of eggs from flies on the food products.
  2. Contact path – helminths are transmitted from person to person. Therefore, normally apply ostritsy, and the risk of infection is very high.
  3. Bio-helminths – worms enter the body after eating raw or half-baked meat or fish.
  4. The bites of insects. Very often vectors of the worms are mosquitoes.
Worms in adults

The main route of infection of worms is considered to be by the fecal-oral route. In this case, the eggs of worms enter the human body with food or water. It is quite rare infestations occur during the insect bites.

The symptoms of the adult worms

Symptoms of infection depend directly on the location of the worms in the body. The largest colonies of parasites – Ascaris, pinworms, tapeworms – are found in the intestine, however, some helminths are able to move through the body. For example, the ascaride at the beginning can reach the stomach, and from there with the flow of blood penetrates the lungs or the liver. There are developed during three weeks, after that again enter the intestine or the stomach.

Ostritsy are often found in the rectum, causing itching. Women can also have sex organs. These parasites, such as fluke cat, who often live in the liver and in the pancreas. Echinococcus granulosus are able to surprise the muscles and bones, and tsepni – penetrate even the brain. Some species of helminths can be in the breathing organs, causing the persistent cough.

Depending on the location, we produce the following manifestations of helminthiasis:

  • Constipation. Worms of large dimensions, they can close the lumen of the intestine, which leads to the violation of the chair. The constipation can last more than two days.
  • Diarrhea. Some parasites produce the particular substance that stimulates the body to the selection undigested remains of the food along with a large amount of water.
  • The flatulence. Some species of helminths causing the inflammation in the small intestine, which produces an excess of gas formation. If the weather does not get rid of the worms, the swelling can last up to several months.
  • The irritable bowel syndrome. Helminths can cause the development of inflammation in the intestine, which leads to the alteration of the absorption of nutrients.
  • The pain in the muscles and joints. Earthworms can have in any part of the body. If they fall in the joints or muscles, they begin to destroy the tissue. Consequently, arise the sensations of pain, which are the body's response to the livelihoods of the parasite.
  • Allergy. The selection of helminths can cause the production of an agency of the special cell of eosinophils. Which lead to inflammation of the tissue, which becomes the cause of development of allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the skin. In consequence, the men appear acne, wrinkles, hives, acne, and even papilloma. Sometimes the infection the worms is an increase in the fragility of nails and hair.
  • Anemia. Individual varieties of worms are able to stick to the walls of the intestine, receiving from him not only nutrients, but also blood. Finally the man leads the development of anemia.
  • The pain in the muscles and joints
  • The change of weight. Often the infection the worms leads to a sudden loss of weight. The fact that the parasites are absorbing a considerable amount of nutrients that enter the human body with food. In addition, the presence of worm invasion often leads to the loss of appetite. However, in some cases, the person notes the increase in the mass of a body, this process is a protective reaction of the organism to the selection of the worms.
  • Problems in the functioning of the nervous system. The presence of worms in the body negatively affects the state of the nervous system. In consequence, the man develops anxiety, anxiety, and even begins the depression.
  • The sleep disorders. If a person every night, he wakes up in the middle of a dream, this may indicate a worm invasion. It is precisely at this moment, the cleaning of the liver of the toxins produced by the worms. Usually at night, the parasites can leave the body through the anal opening, and this process is accompanied by the feeling of a strong itching.
  • The chronic fatigue syndrome. This state is manifested in the form of depression, apathy, weakness. The cause of this problem lies in the deficiencies of nutrients in the body. The person may experience memory impairment, emotional tension.
  • The breakdown in the functioning of the immune system. The infection the worms may be the cause of immunological diseases. As a result, a person much more ill of the disease caused by a virus. It may appear allergic reactions in common products. In the intestine, often develops systemic or colitis, and in your face appear the acne and eruptions of cold sores.
  • Pathology oncology. Helminths can be so strong it poisons the body, that immunity simply can not cope with this process. In consequence, develop various complications, among other things, favor the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • The inflammatory process in the airways. Helminths can move freely by the different authorities, and, of course, the respiratory system may not be the exception. If worms are blocking the ducts of breathing, difficulties may arise with the process of breathing. Also the man often occurs cough and increased body temperature. Very dangerous complication helminths is the development of bronchial asthma.
The methods of diagnosing helminthiasis

The methods of diagnosing helminthiasis

To identify the worms in the body of an adult, often used ovoscopy. This study consists in the analysis of cala in the eggs of the worms that parasites in the organs of the digestive system. Unfortunately, you can't always get one hundred percent results, since not all earthworms systematically to lay their eggs.

A more accurate result can be achieved with the help of histological coprogram. Thanks to this study, we can clearly identify the part of the bodies of the worms, as well as their eggs. Accordingly, not only can you diagnose helminths, but also to determine the type of parasite identified.

If it is suspected the location of helminths in the lungs, it shows the realization of the x-ray. In addition, a study of sputum. To identify parasites in the liver, brain, or kidneys, a ct scan or an ultrasound. For the diagnosis of helminths in the blood make the general analysis of blood. Also for this purpose, can be carried out immunological tests.

The treatment of pinworms in adults

For therapy has been the most efficient way possible, it is necessary to consult the doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. The specialist is treated solely on the basis of the results of the analysis. To take medicine not, since they have a toxic effect on the human organism. In addition, it is worth bearing in mind, that in different helmintiasisx will require different treatment schemes. Important when selecting the dose of the drug has the age and the weight of the person.

When it detects a worm or Ascaris for the treatment of the drugs used.

Many drugs are not effective against larvae and eggs of worms. In addition, there is a threat of auto-infection Enterobius. Therefore, through 2-3-week course of therapy, it must be repeated.

Between the means for the fight against the worms release the pumpkin seeds and the herb tansy. The seeds is recommended to clean yourself, to save and to eat a thin film that is located between the seed and the skin.

To get rid of the worms 300 g of this product, it must grind, mix with honey and eat. Do this is better in the morning, the time of day. Then, you must, within 3-4 hours of abstaining from food. After this time has elapsed, you should do an enema. The treatment may be repeated after a couple of weeks.

One of the most popular means of worms is the tansy. For the preparation of broth 3 tablespoons herb pour a glass of boiling water and leave to stand for 1 hour, after which you can brew. The tool should drink 3-4 times a day with a spoon.

Deal with the toxins and destroy the worms help to products that have a bitter taste. For these purposes it is recommended to apply the wormwood and cloves. In addition, almost all the helminths do not tolerate the acidic environment. Therefore, driving with worms by the introduction in the diet of sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, natural juices of acid fruits and vegetables.

If there is suspicion of the presence of worms in the body, you must include in your diet a large amount of fresh carrot. It is also very useful to drink natural carrot juice and infusion of birch kidneys. To prepare a teaspoon of raw material is necessary to pour a glass of water and heat on the steam bath for half an hour. After two hours of infusion of ready. It is recommended to take half a glass of tools, two times a day. The course of therapy is 1 week.

The prevention of worms

For not having to deal with the unpleasant consequences of the infection the worms, it is recommended to perform prevention activities. To do this, you must give up drinking water from the springs or wells. You can drink only boiled or filtered water.

After the contact with the ground, the hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Not less carefully has to wash vegetables, vegetables, fruits, and berries. It is very important to be well-cooked, heat-treatment of meat, fish and poultry. It is not recommended to eat dried, salted or raw food, with a content of blood.

After a bath in the waters must necessarily take a shower. It is not worth allowing the household to pets to lick your hands or face, because, in their language, may be present in the eggs of the helminth. After contact with the animals must be good to wash your hands. In addition, it is worthwhile to conduct antiparasitic cleaning of the pet.


Features the course of helminth infection in pregnancy

An infestation of worms is not ensured to anyone, and, of course, pregnant women are not an exception. In addition, during the gestation of the child, the immune system is significantly weakened, and due to the threat of development helminths increases. So that this does not happen, we must pay attention to the prevention of the disease – it is good to wash your hands after using the toilet or contact with animals, to carefully handle vegetables, fruits and vegetables before eating them.

If the infection has passed, however, you should contact a doctor immediately. During pregnancy may take away each medication of worms. In this period, it only allows the use of piperazine. When the infection of Ascaris the dose is 1.5-2 g, the treatment course – 2 day 2 hour reception before the meal. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed ostritsy, the therapy should continue for 5 days, taking your medication at the same dose.

Worms are very common in adults, causing serious in the functioning of many organs and systems. To avoid the development of dangerous complications, it is worth dealing with the prevention of helminthiasis. If the parasites yet penetrated into the body, should immediately contact to a doctor that is designated by the effective remedy.