How to collect feces for the analysis of parasites?

The analysis of the eggs the worm most commonly prescribed for the identification of means of helminths, with the aim of preventing the spread of the parasitic infestation in the contact groups of people.

It is mandatory the delivery of this analysis for workers in food service and other professions that require a portable field sanitation unit, it is also necessary to the admission of children in preschool education and the education establishments with the employment of hospitalization, to make the treatment of the sanatorium, a visit to the swimming pool.

Analysis of

In addition, the study cove in the egg-worm, can be assigned to the measures of diagnosis if it is suspected intestinal helminth infection. The reliability of laboratory results depends greatly on what and how it has collected the biological material. In this article, we illuminate all the issues related to the extraction of blood in the faeces, the eggs of worm in children and adults.

Why is it necessary to the analysis?

For the analysis of a feces on eggs of the worm can not be addressed formally. The man, who has been assigned, it should be understood that the determination of worm invasion is important, first of all, to himself. Since the parasites cause serious harm to the health, some species are able to penetrate into the liver, the brain, the heart and other organs.

Laboratory studies cala do not always identify the invasion, because in a small sample of biological material, given in the analysis, helminth eggs, may not be. Parasites of eggs is not constant, therefore, in the mass fecal are distributed unevenly.

In addition, the results can affect to ignore the rules of the preparation, collection and storage of material.

Therefore, you must respect the rules of preparation for the analysis, the collection and storage of the sample, and the awareness of the necessity of re-delivery, if the analysis will show the absence of parasites.

What symptoms may indicate a worm infection?

The symptom clearly indicates that the presence of the worms is the itching and stir in the anus, especially tangible in the late afternoon and evening. This is typical for enterobiasis – the invasion of pinworms. Invasion of other species of helminths, it is not so obvious and characteristic of his clinical picture, the symptoms can be unexpressed, or many other diseases.

The suspect in helminths can cause the following symptoms:

    Intestinal disorders
  • Decreased appetite even its absence;
  • Flatulence and intestinal conditions;
  • The presence of blood and mucus in the masses fecal;
  • The loss of body mass;
  • Frequent headaches, sleep disorders;
  • The permanent feeling of weakening;
  • The paleness of the skin;
  • The weakening of the immunity, is expressed in the frequent exposure to colds;
  • The gnashing of the teeth during sleep;
  • The skin problems.

The appearance of at least several of these symptoms, you must pass a medical examination, including the identification of parasitic infestation.

How to prepare for the analysis?

To increase the degree of accuracy of a result of analysis of cala in the egg-worm, it is necessary before its delivery to respect certain rules.

It makes No sense to explore the feces on eggs of worms in the following cases:

  1. When you receive an anti-parasitic drug and immediately after their course;
  2. After fluoroscopic survey with drugs of barium;
  3. After of enemas of oil.

In all these cases, the probability of detection of helminth eggs is close to zero, and the results of the analysis may also be relevant.

Also reduce the effectiveness of the investigation of the reception of some of the powerful drugs. If you are not essential to life, its reception should be discontinued 3 days before the stool collection.

If the patient receives treatment, which can not be interrupted, for example, the course of treatment with antibiotics, the delivery of stool analysis in the eggs of the worm is best that prior to completion, since in conditions totally transformed the environment in the intestine of the multiplication of helminths slows down, and their eggs may not be detected.

Has impact on the results of the research and the composition of the food that the man ate on the eve of the collection of biological material. When the consumption of products that contribute to increased gas and looser bowel, foods the dough quickly pass the intestinal tract, and the likelihood that the content in the stools of the eggs of parasites decreases. Therefore, between 1 and 2 days before the collection of cala for the analysis of the eggs of the worms, it is recommended to exclude from the diet products that cause relief measures in the gut.

For each person the set of these products is different, but, in general, these include:

    The beet
  • Fresh and the sauerkraut;
  • Cool the beet;
  • Apricots, plums;
  • Prunes;
  • Grapes;
  • The persimmon;
  • The kefir;
  • The cucumber, the zucchini, the squash;
  • Legumes;
  • Watermelon, melon.

It's also not recommended the consumption of food coloring to lime in atpicos color – already mentioned in the beetroot, cranberries, cherries, black currants.

Following these simple rules, you can significantly improve the probability of detecting a worm of the invasion and in a timely manner begin treatment.

What are the rules of stool collection?

If you meet all the rules of research training of the masses stools for eggs of parasites, mentioned above, you can perform the extraction of samples for analysis. Normally this time raises many questions: how much should you cala for the analysis of egg-a worm, what are the rules of your collection, you can store collected material, etc, we are going to examine in detail the answers to these questions.

The laboratory does not take on the analysis of the lime in factories producing matches and other cardboard boxes, to collect the material you can take a crystal container with a tight-fitting lid or buy in the drugstore special plastic container to collect the stool. This container is convenient that it is incorporated with a spatula for collecting the sample and a tight-fitting lid, don't miss the smell.

Sterilize glass containers, and even more – farmacutica, there is no need. The pot and the lid is sufficient to clean the baking soda and rinse thoroughly with clean hot water, and a container for the collection of the cove in the wash don't need.

If the collection is performed in the home of the containers, and then do it in a simple way from a single spoon. You can also use it with a cotton swab, several matches. Use for this purpose brought in from the street wicks and sticks can not, because they may be the eggs of the parasites, which will lead to the distortion of the results of the analysis.

If you want to wash?

If the collection of urine for analysis must, to wash, to prevent the entry of biological material from the secretions and the flora that lives in the genitals, the assembly of the cove to the analysis of the eggs of the worm of the to wash is not recommended.

Some species of helminths (ostritsy) lay their eggs around the anus, also in the anus could keep the eggs of the worms of the stool.

During the passage of the masses fecal can be in the first portion of biological material, which increases the probability of detecting worm invasion.


How to collect feces for analysis?

Defecating necessary, clean and dry, boat, or boat. Not allowed to "collect" the material of cup water. You should also pay attention that the feces has not fallen in the urine, emptying the bladder need in another place.

The removal of material is performed from various places of the stool: the initial cutting, the middle and the end, with the surface and the depth. The stool sample should be approximately equal to the amount of a walnut.
Immediately after the extraction vessel, cover with a lid, so that the material does not dry.

As you can call to defecation?

The physiological processes are not easy to control the mind, cause the bowels to emit products of the vital activity of the demand is virtually impossible. The easiest way to pick up the feces for the analysis of the eggs of the worms to the people who are used to empty the bowel in the morning after waking up, as the laboratory, generally, adopt the biological materials in the analysis of in the morning.

For stimulation of bowel emptying do not recommend the use of enemas, anal candle, as this reduces the likelihood of obtaining a report of result of analysis on the egg-worm, which already is not too high.

Get of the morning to defecate in a natural way, you can follow the following recommendations:

  1. After awakening, drink a glass of cold water;
  2. After 15-20 minutes eat breakfast;
  3. If within 20 minutes after the breakfast, you will not want to go to the bathroom, to make an easy self-massage of the abdomen and exercises to strengthen the peristalsis of the intestine.

Self-massage of the abdomen is performed by lying on your back. Lose the stomach, produces stroking around the navel in the form of a spiral, the direction of motion – the motion of the needles of the clock. It is more convenient to do so, tightening the fingers into a fist.

After a massage, do the following exercise for stimulating the bowel to empty:

  • Being on four legs, participate and relax belly;
  • Lying on the back, hardware re-tighten the knees to the chin, and then return to the starting position.

If all of these measures have not had the action, this means that the material for the analysis has to collect in advance.

But before moving on to the next point of this article, and find out how much you can store calories in the eggs of the worm, remember previously recommended the method for improving intestinal motility. The application of your journal is a quick way to teach your body to regulate morning emptying of the intestines, which, no doubt, will be very beneficial to your health.

How much can you store collected material?

Store the sample material for the analysis of the eggs of the worm must, in tightly sealed containers, knotted in a plastic bag in the refrigerator at a temperature of +6° - 10 ° C. To this storage of lime, does not dry, the eggs of the earthworms, if available in the sample, no vido-change, and will be available for their identification. The storage time should not exceed 8 to 12 hours.


How does the study of the material in the lab?

To determine the presence of eggs of worms in the stool, as well as the type using the following laboratory methods:

  1. Assertion. In this method, the material mixed with the water, defend it and drains the liquid faction. Do it several times. The eggs and fragments of helminths have a greater specific weight, so that they always remain in the sediment. After repeated washing of the precipitated material is seen under the microscope for parasites.
  2. In elutriation. This method is applicable for the detection of fragments of helminths. Provided in the analysis of a sample made semi-fluid mass, is placed in a cup of petri, removing the tweezers, the light particles, to examine with a magnifying glass or a microscope. Therefore, we can identify fragments of helminths and determine its type.
  3. The native driver of the stroke. With this method it is examined under the microscope with just a drop of the emulsion that is obtained through the rearing of the creek water. This allows it to detect eggs of worms and protozoa parasites. But when a small amount of put material, they may simply not fall in the drop, so that a negative test result may be false.
  4. A thick brush stroke. This method is more informative, as it allows you to explore the greater amount of material, in comparison with other methods. The sample of the grain size of a pea is placed on a slide glass and pressed the clear plastic piece on the plate, immersed in the liquid. After an hour of the sample acquires the necessary transparency and examined under a microscope. This method is considered the most progressive, its validity is approximately 85%.

Execution of an analysis of feces on the egg-worm, any of these the method does not take much time, the result can be prepared during the day of the delivery. Delay, normally, are related with the congestion of the laboratories.

What could be the transcription of a result of analysis?

The study cove in the eggs of the worms may show only the presence or absence of parasites breeding in the gastrointestinal tract: round and tape worms, flukes. For the detection of the helminths, for example, that conveys, applies the test of immunoadsorption enzyme in the blood (elisa).

If the eggs and the fragments of the worms in place the material is not found, then the result of the analysis of decode-negative. However, a negative result does not guarantee the absence of parasitic infestation.

If, after delivery of the analysis of feces on the egg-worm of the transcription contains the positive outcome in relation with any type of helminth (or more), their presence certainly does not produce, and sick, he prescribes a treatment.

In addition to a worm invasion, through the analysis of faeces can be diagnosed with the infection of microorganisms: Giardia lamblia, dysenteric naked, cyclosporine.

What to do when you detect helmintiasisa?

If the analysis of the cove of the egg-worm, showed the presence in the body of any parasites, in any case, you can not give up the treatment. In addition to that helminths can become an obstacle to the achievement of the goal of income school or work, the child in an educational establishment pre-school, get healthcare, laptop, etc, that can cause a serious damage to the health.

Human parasites feed on its life juices, take away energy. In addition, because they reduce the immunity, which can lead to the development of more serious diseases.

The diagnosis

It is inadmissible also from the medication. Anti-parasitic drugs are of high toxicity. Even if the type of parasite known, the dose of drug effective against him, he should only be set by the physician, taking into account all the physical data and the condition of the patient. The treatment should be performed under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise, it may cause serious complications, caused by the toxic action anthelmintic of funds.

Also do not forget that the eggs of the worms are transmitted easily through objects of daily life, personal contacts. Therefore, if it is detected parasitic infestation of humans, requires the inspection and, if necessary, the treatment of the rest of the members of your family, including pets.

As it is often necessary to give the test?

Typically, the analysis of the cove of the egg-the worm surrenders once the admission in preschool and schools of general education, at work, in the hospital, sanatorium, during the registration of the help to access the swimming pool, as well as the step of the check-ups.